FED Publishing Releases New Book, “Ensuring Justice, Fairness, and Inclusion in America: Managing Equity in the 21st Century” (Part 1 to 4) by Charles A. Washington

Ensuring Justice, Fairness, and Inclusion in America: Managing Equity in the 21st Century, (Part 1 to 4) by Charles A. Washington, sets a bold direction to managing equity in today’s society.

Cleveland, OH, USA — Charles A. Washington’s Ensuring Justice, Fairness, and Inclusion in America: Managing Equity in the 21st Century, (Part 1 to 4) is not a partisan polemic or an academic tome. It is meant to be a “how- to” book. It is meant to be a democratic (small “d”) manifesto. It is meant to be a user’s manual for the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. This book is meant to serve many purposes with regards to America.

The world is currently plagued by polarization, hyper-partisanship, authoritarianism, Majoritarian Democracy, Identity Politics, zero-sum politics and economics, inequality, racism, sexism, populism, Nativism, and dystopian societies. There is a desperate cry for solutions to these problems. This book is dedicated to solving these problems. This book identifies the extent of the problems as they are manifested in America. Then, this book takes the novel approach of operationalizing Justice as Fairness as the foundation of it uses the myriad works of John Rawls to devise solutions to these problems. Specifically, it uses Rawls’ “Justice as Fairness” as the foundation of a revolutionary set of solutions to these global problems.) This book is at once observational, diagnostic, prophylactic, and prognostic in its focus.

This book takes an observational, diagnostic, and prophylactic approach to solve the problems above. According to Rawls, “Justice as Fairness” is an exercise in “ideal (metaphysical) theory.” This book goes beyond the metaphysical, by rendering Justice as Fairness into the realm of “nonideal (real world) theory.” It does this by first deciphering and explaining Justice as Fairness’ challenging concepts using ideas borrowed from many disciplines. The book then moves on to develop a Justice as Fairness Logic Model which identifies the structures, mechanics, and dynamics of Justice as Fairness. Then, this book operationalizes Justice as Fairness through the creation of a revolutionary management system, “Equity Management,” and a companion license-fee-free web-based software system, “Plato.” Equity Management-Plato was developed using Justice as Fairness, Systems Theory, program evaluation techniques, the judicial principle “strict scrutiny,” and Environmental Scanning and Forecasting. Finally, this book outlines how Equity Management-Plato can be used to manage six public sector environments ultimately creating a level playing field and just, fair, and inclusive circumstances for all Americans.

Genre – John Rawls, Justice As Fairness, Social Contract, Equity Management-Plato, Representative Consensus Democracy; Justice, Fairness, Inclusion, Positive-Sum Politics And Economics, Reconciliation, E Pluribus Unum, New Coalition Of Conscious, Global Democracy Project, Saving Liberal Democracy, Better World, Realistic Utopias, Polarization, Hyper-Partisanship, Authoritarianism, Majoritarian Democracy, Identity Politics, Zero-Sum Politics And Economics, Inequality, Racism, Sexism, Populism, Nativism, Dystopian Societies

Ensuring Justice, Fairness, and Inclusion in America: Managing Equity in the 21st Century ISBN 9781506906850, published by First Edition Design Publishing (http://www.firsteditiondesignpublishing.com), is available on-line wherever ebooks are sold. The 198 page print book version, ISBN 9781506906843, is published by First Edition Design Publishing and distributed worldwide to online booksellers.

Media Contact:
Charles A. Washington

FED Publishing Releases New Book, “The Famous Miller and Smith Detective Agency” by Rachel Joel

The Famous Miller and Smith Detective Agency, by Rachel Joel, takes us deep into a mystery alongside the delightful antics of our pair of pre-teen detectives.

Port Orchard, WA, USA — Rachel Joel’s The Famous Miller and Smith Detective Agency starts of with the quirky relationship of Jenny and Dan and quickly snowballs into a fast-paced who-dun-nit they absolutely must solve to save their loved ones as well as themselves.

I decided to buy this book after a friend recommended it to me. I was surprised and delighted with what I found. The author writes with intelligence, zest and enthusiastic charm. I’m looking forward to reading this book with my kids. I found out that the author is actually very young (a teenager?) and to be honest I was a skeptical about what I would find… and yet I’m not surprised she’s won so many writing awards — this is an up and coming author we need to keep on our radar! ~Sierra November – Amazon Books

Jenny and Dan become detectives for fun, their first case being a recent murder. Soon enough, the two are involved over their heads in finding out who did it as things become more serious than ever. Will they find the killer before he/she strikes again? Will they figure out whom to trust? Can their friendship stand the test? And, most importantly, will they come out alive enough to tell the tale?

Author Rachel Joel took to writing stories at the early age of 8. She loves to read adventure books and write action-filled stories. She wrote this book during her free time in sixth grade, publishing it a year later. Rachel has won several awards (such as an award in the Duke TIP writing contest conducted by Duke University, several times in the PTA Reflections contests, and the President’s Award for Educational Excellence) before reaching the seventh grade. She is a member of National Junior Honor Society.

Keywords: Detectives, Mystery, Adventure, Strategy, Police, Middle School, Fiction, Crime Investigation, Children’s Book, Friendship

The Famous Miller and Smith Detective Agency ISBN 9781506907871, published by First Edition Design Publishing (http://www.firsteditiondesignpublishing.com), is available on-line wherever ebooks are sold. The 132 page print book version, ISBN 9781506907864, is published by First Edition Design Publishing and distributed worldwide to online booksellers. (Children’s Chapter Book, Ages 7-11, Grades 3-6, DRA Level 40, ACR Level 4.4)

Media Contact:
Rachel Joel

First Edition Design Publishing Releases New Book, “Tambov the Tugboat” by Mark F. King

Tambov the Tugboat, by Mark F. King, is a delightful trip through the protected harbors of individuality.

Fort McMurray, Alberta, Canada — Mark F. King’s Tambov the Tugboat lets this little tugboat make its way in a broad changing world and still remain relevant and important. A much needed reminder for finding one’s own strength and using them to their fullest.

Tambov the tugboat was the most useful tugboat in the harbor. She was small, and speedy. Tambov could dart in and out of the docks and around big ships. She was special.

A story of facing adversity and remaining true to your own standards, Tambov is a little steam engine that finds her place in a world of big diesels and gas powered tugs. Just because you are not the biggest or the most powerful doesn’t mean you don’t have a place in this world!

This story helps reinforce hard work and persistence, as well as belief in oneself.

“I love this book and so does my daughter. I really enjoy reading this to her and creating the sound effects, we both enjoy the detailed illustrations. I wish that more books published today like Tambov the Tugboat. This reminded me a bit of the Little Golden Books.” ~Amazon Verified Buyer

Genre – Tugboat, Steam Engine, Adversity, Challenges

Tambov the Tugboat ISBN 9781506906782, published by First Edition Design Publishing (http://www.firsteditiondesignpublishing.com), is available on-line wherever ebooks are sold. The 58 page print book version, ISBN 9781506906775 and ISBN 9781506906805 is published by First Edition Design Publishing and distributed worldwide to online booksellers.

Media Contact:
Mark F. King

FED Publishing Releases New Book, “You Will Save The World” by Chase Overstreet

You Will Save The World, by Chase Overstreet, takes you and your child through the start of a wonderful transformation.

Tulsa, OK, USA — Chase Overstreet’s You Will Save The World is a message to the children of our Earth.

Personal transformation can and does have global effects. As we go, so goes the world, for the world is us. The revolution that will save the world is ultimately a personal one. – Marianne Williamson

Grown-ups have messed everything up. The planet is dying, money controls politics, freedom is faltering, fear is rising and bringing hate with it. This book is about doing things different, starting over with love and compassion. This book is about learning from where we’ve gone wrong and changing everything before it’s too late.

Author Chase Overstreet is a ceramic artist, painter, and criminal defense attorney. Passionate about returning Earth to its pristine condition, ending mass incarceration, and radically improving education, Chase’s newest plan to save the world is a children’s book.

Genre – Injustice, Pollution, Revolution, Love, Compassion, Change, Meditation, Yoga, Empathy, Introspection

You Will Save The World ISBN 9781506910222, published by First Edition Design Publishing (http://www.firsteditiondesignpublishing.com), is available on-line wherever ebooks are sold. The 36 page print book version, ISBN 9781506907888 and ISBN 9781506908007 Hardback, is published by First Edition Design Publishing and distributed worldwide to online booksellers.

Media Contact:
Chase Overstreet

First Edition Design Publishing Releases New Book, “Messy Larry” by David J. Perri

Messy Larry, by David J. Perri, helps you connect with your creative child through an inspirational tale of a delightfully ‘messy’ hero.

Wheeling, WV, USA — David J. Perri’s Messy Larry is about being who you are, and about becoming who you were meant to be.

Messy Larry is an educational, feel-good story for the creative, art-inclined child. – Kirstan Nicole

Art is about self-expression and the desire to create. What is the role of art in your life? What if you had no way to express yourself? How would you be different?

Larry is a little different from the other kids in his grade school class. For starters, he’s big, and he’s clumsy, and he looks kind of like a bear! Larry loves art and wants to make art, but his messiness keeps getting in the way, with hilarious results.

At his wit’s end, he seeks out a favorite relative. Great Uncle Ken helps Larry find a way to express the beauty he knew was inside him. But, self-realization is often a messy and uncomfortable process. The undercurrent themes of compassion, acceptance, and understanding will resonate with many children.

A special “things to think about” section in the back provides the opportunity for discussion of these themes, as well as for the child to experience the book in a more interactive way.

Author/Illustrator David J. Perri is a native Pittsburgher who has lived in beautiful West Virginia for the past fifteen years. He is a graduate of the University of Notre Dame and the University of Dayton School of Law. He has two kids, works as a federal prosecutor, and likes to paint in his spare time.

Genre – Art, Artistic, Creative, Creativity, Self-Expression, Acceptance, Different, “Fitting In”, Friendship, Kids, Bear, Funny Bear

Messy Larry ISBN 9781506907048, published by First Edition Design Publishing (http://www.firsteditiondesignpublishing.com), is available on-line wherever ebooks are sold. The 42 page print book version, ISBN 9781506907031 and hardback ISBN 9781506907024, is published by First Edition Design Publishing and distributed worldwide to online booksellers.

Media Contact:
David J. Perri

FED Publishing Releases New Book, “The Liebold Protocol” by Michael McMenamin & Kathleen McMenamin

The Liebold Protocol, A Mattie McGary + Winston Churchill 1930s Adventure by Michael McMenamin & Kathleen McMenamin, continues the chronicles of Winston Churchill’s goddaughter Mattie McGary inside the Nazi empire.

Cleveland, OH, USA — In her latest adventure, The Liebold Protocol, Winston Churchill’s Scottish goddaughter, Mattie McGary, the adventure-seeking Hearst photojournalist, reluctantly returns to Nazi Germany in the summer of 1934 and once again finds herself in deadly peril in a gangster state where widespread kidnappings and ransoms by the SA and SS are sanctioned by the new Nazi government.

It didn’t begin that way. At Churchill’s suggestion, Mattie initially investigates one of the best-kept secrets of the Great War-that in 1915, facilitated by a sinister German-American agent working for Henry Ford, British Empire and Imperial German officials essentially committed treason by agreeing Britain would sell raw rubber to Germany in exchange for it selling precision optical equipment to Britain. Why? To keep the war going and the profits flowing. After Mattie interviews Ford’s German-American go-between, however, agents of Scotland Yard’s Special Branch are sent by Churchill’s political opponents in the British government to rough her up and warn her she will be prosecuted under the Official Secrets Act unless she backs off the story.

Left no choice, Mattie sets out for Germany to investigate the story from the German side and to interview the German nobleman who negotiated the optics for rubber deal with the British. Once In Germany, however, Mattie lands right in the middle of a potential civil war between the SA Brown Shirts of Ernst Rohm who want a true socialist ‘second revolution’ to follow Hitler’s stunning first revolution in 1933 and Adolf Hitler who believes one revolution is enough. Mattie learns that Hitler has ordered his SS to assassinate all the senior leadership of Ernst Rohm’s SA Brown Shirts as well as other political enemies on Saturday 30 June, an event known to History as ‘The Night of the Long Knives’.

Mattie soon learns she is threatened from two sides and must flee Germany to save her life. Not only does the German-American working for Henry Ford want her story on the Great War optics for rubber treason killed, he wants her dead along with it. Worse, Mattie’s nemesis, the ‘Blond Beast’ of the SS, Reinhard Heydrich, is in charge of Hitler’s ‘Night of the Long Knives’ purge and he’s secretly put her name on his list of targets…

The McMenamin writing teams are award-winning, and one should not expect anything different from The Liebold Protocol.

Three-Time Grand Prize Winner Fiction, Next Generation Indie Book Awards.
Three-Time Thriller/Suspense Book of the Year, ForeWord Reviews.
Two-Time Historical Fiction Book of the Year, ForeWord Reviews.

Michael McMenamin is the co-author with his son Patrick of the first five award-winning 1930s era historical novels featuring Winston Churchill and his fictional Scottish goddaughter, the adventure-seeking Hearst photojournalist Mattie McGary. The first five novels in the series-The DeValera Deception, The Parsifal Pursuit, The Gemini Agenda, The Berghof Betrayal and The Silver Mosaic-received a total of 15 literary awards. He is currently at work with his daughter Kathleen McMenamin on the eighth Mattie + Winston historical adventure, The Prussian Memorandum. He is also the author of Becoming Winston Churchill, a joint biography of the young Churchill and his Irish-American mentor, the New York lawyer and statesman Bourke Cockran.

Kathleen, the other half of the father-daughter writing team, has been editing her father’s writing for longer than she cares to remember. She is the co-author with her father of the 2018 novella, Appointment in Prague, A Mattie McGary + Winston Churchill World War II Adventure. She also is the co-author with her sister Kelly of the critically acclaimed Organize Your Way: Simple Strategies for Every Personality [Sterling, 2017].

Visit the authors at: http://www.winstonchurchillthrillers.com / http://www.facebook.com/WinstonChurchillThrillers.

Genre – Ernst Rohm, SA Brown Shirts, Socialist Second Revolution, Reinhard Heydrich, Adolf Hitler, Winston Churchill, Mattie McGary

The ebook version of The Liebold Protocol ISBN 9781506907536, published by First Edition Design Publishing (http://www.firsteditiondesignpublishing.com), is available on-line wherever ebooks are sold. The 168 page print book version, ISBN 9781506907529, and hardback ISBN 9781506907512, is published by First Edition Design Publishing and distributed worldwide to online booksellers.

Media Contact:
Michael McMenamin

First Edition Design Publishing Releases New Book, “Execute Order” by Jett Ward

Execute Order, by Jett Ward, takes us inside the drone wars as a Reaper predator pilot who has become the prey.

Port Orchard, WA, USA — Jett Ward’s Execute Order is an International thriller written within the technical sophistication of Tom Clancy and the precision marksmanship of Vince Flynn novels. Spanning the dark mafia underworld of Las Vegas to the murky Special Operation battlegrounds of the Middle East-this novel does not stop until the very last page.

Reaper pilot, Brent Parker, receives an execute order to kill the number one terrorist on the U.S. High Value Target list. With the CIA declaring open season on terrorist around the world, the aftermath places him in the cross hairs of the Iranian IRGC.

After a U.S. Navy strike, Parker soon becomes a target by his own government when he is unable to stop insurgents from taking anti-aircraft missiles from a destroyed Benghazi Military Compound. Now an F/A-18 fighter has been shot down over hostile ISIS territory and a government conspiracy mounts to hide an international scandal that involves an execute order against an American aviator. When a Special Forces team is sent on a suicide mission to eliminate the Navy pilot before he becomes captured, Parker is forced to make a tough decision that will cost him his freedom. With a government conspiracy closing in and a Quds agent hunting him down, his past propels him to escape the confines of his prison and become the hunter against those who seek to destroy him.

“This book is hard to put down right from the opening pages. The author did a great job interweaving the subplots into the main plot and tying it all together at the end.”

“The action scenes were very well written and they made me feel I was right there.”

~ Amazon 5 Star Reviews, Verified Buyers

Author Jett Ward is a former naval aviator and Desert Storm combat veteran flying A6 Intruders. As the Air Director for controlling close air support missions abroad, he orchestrated the precision strike of airpower within the murky world of Special Forces ground operations. He is a graduate of Air War College, and holds Master of Business Administration and Master of Science degrees. He and his wife live in the Pacific Northwest.

Genre – Military, Political, Thriller, Aviation, Espionage, Special-Operations, International, Spy

Execute Order ISBN 9781506906850, published by First Edition Design Publishing (http://www.firsteditiondesignpublishing.com), is available on-line wherever ebooks are sold. The 198 page print book version, ISBN 9781506906843, is published by First Edition Design Publishing and distributed worldwide to online booksellers.

Media Contact:
Jett Ward

FED Publishing Releases New Book, “FORMULA SEVEN and Genesis of The New World Order” by Michael March

FORMULA SEVEN and Genesis of The New World Order, Michael March, heralds Doctor Cyrus Markum as he rolls out the antitoxin that will neutralize the deadly HIV virus! Unfortunately factions within the federal government conspire to eliminate any trace.

Atlanta, GA, USA — Michael March’s FORMULA SEVEN and Genesis of The New World Order, follows an enraged scientist as he creates a masterwork of revenge including acceptance into the Illuminati.

On an otherwise serene 1989, June night, FBI agents are hustling to load up two large tractor-trailers. Their cargo is unusual. It consists of heavy filing cabinets, laboratory equipment, and chattering chimpanzees. Their motivation is far from altruistic.

Their target of the operation is Doctor Cyrus Markum, a brilliant microbiologist. With the fortune bequeathed by his former life-partner, he’s funded the research project that has created Formula Seven, the vaccine that will thwart the virus causing AIDS.

The Feds are far from enthused with his initiative. They dispatch their agents to eradicate any trace of the lifesaving antibodies and emasculate its creator. The pompous autocrats have gravely miscalculated. They’ve unleashed a ravenous lion.

Doctor Markum chooses Daniel Dundee, a televangelist, as the pivot point in his blueprint of retribution and convinces the Bavarian Illuminati that the time has arrived for their all-encompassing revolution. The TV broadcast of the “New Age Messiah’s” assassination will be the tipping point for the scheme, causing a chain reaction that will lead to the New World Order’s absolute planetary domination. The Doctor’s enterprise is expansive and ingenious, but the Illuminati’s Trilateral Commission has a strategy of their own.

Born in Brooklyn, Michael studied industrial engineering at the Fashion Institute of Technology in Manhattan. Preferring the exploding music scene, he left to find his way in the world of Rock n’ Roll. Uncle Sam had a much better idea. He insisted that Michael become all that he could be and enter the military. He served with the Eleventh Armored Cavalry Regiment in Vietnam from July 1967 to July 1968. After his discharge, he circumnavigated America, seeking to uncover the soul of society and discover his own. Eventually wending his way home, he semi-normalized and raised a family. Taking his leave from the corporate world seven years ago, Michael moved to Atlanta and fell in love with the city and the craft of storytelling. His first book, Each One a Hero, a fictionalized autobiography of his time spent in a misunderstood and unpopular war, was published by Hellgate Press in 2016.

Genre – Illuminati, HIV Virus, New Thought Ministry, Government conspiracy, Televangelist, International Intrigue, Vietnam veteran, FBI, New World Order, AIDS epidemic

FORMULA SEVEN and Genesis of The New World Order ISBN 9781506907123, published by First Edition Design Publishing (http://www.firsteditiondesignpublishing.com), is available on-line wherever ebooks are sold. The 124 page print book version, ISBN 9781506907116 is published by First Edition Design Publishing and distributed worldwide to online booksellers.

Media Contact:
Michael March

FED Publishing Releases New Book, “The Case of Missing Person Sam McHarold” by Steve Gardino

The Case of Missing Person Sam McHarold, by Steve Gardino, lets you be part of the crazy case solving antics of Butch the bulldog! – oh, and his detective friend Dino too.

Orlando, FL, USA — Steve Gardino’s The Case of Missing Person Sam McHarold is an introduction to the basics of police and detective work.

Want to know what “10 – 26, 10 – 19 to 2 – L – 7” means? You will become familiar with this police shorthand throughout the book. Learn the basics of witness interrogations, warrants and police organization.

Wanna be a detective and help Butch find Sam McHarold? When you come across a clue, highlight the clue. Gather the evidence and try to answer the questions at the end of each chapter. You will learn that every detail is important. You may find that each chapter may provide more questions than answers, but don’t worry, if you gather enough clues, you will be able to answer the questions as the story continues.

What starts out as a simple missing person case reported by the strangest family that our department ever encountered, quickly becomes a worldwide drug smuggling caper. With the aid of Reserve K-9 Butch; F.B.I.; D.E.A.; U.S. Marshalls and Interpol Agents, our local detectives solve one of the most bizarre cases ever encountered by our department. They are responsible for breaking up the largest and longest running drug smuggling operation ever encountered.

Author Steve Gardino, a retired Software Engineer who spent a few years wearing a badge, has been developing this story for over 20 years. Steve grew up in Colonie, New York, graduated from Mohonasen High School in Rotterdam, New York in 1968 and in 1990 Graduated from National University in Santa Clara, California with B.S. degree in Computer Science, Magnum Cum Laude. He spent 9 years in USAF before being discharged due to service connected injuries. Currently living with Wife of 30 years Sharon (Sherrie), our 10 year old English Bull Dog Buster and an 8 year old Teddy Bear designer dog named Teddy in The Villages, Florida.

Genre – YA, Solve The Crime, Detective, Investigation, Smuggling, Bulldog, Butch, FBI, DEA

The Case of Missing Person Sam McHarold ISBN 9781506906904, published by First Edition Design Publishing (http://www.firsteditiondesignpublishing.com), is available on-line wherever ebooks are sold. The 136 page print book version, ISBN 9781506906898 is published by First Edition Design Publishing and distributed worldwide to online booksellers.

Media Contact:
Steve Gardino

FED Publishing Releases New Book, “Inspiring Poems From My Soul – A Collection of Poems, Volume1” by Will Shelton

Inspiring Poems From My Soul – A Collection of Poems, Volume1, by Will Shelton, is a Soul to Soul experience from me to you.

Flushing, NY, USA — Will Shelton’s Inspiring Poems From My Soul – A Collection of Poems, Volume1 takes you to that special place in every poet’s heart. A place where words speak to the soul.

Amazing poems for all ages very inspiring and motivative…Each poem took me on a ride with all the imagery and vivid word play…A must read for everybody!!! ~ Jason – Amazon Review

Overall Amazing!
I was gifted this book by a dear friend, and I absolutely love it! It’s one of those books that you just need to have on your shelf. My book club chose this book for our Summer Reading and I’m truly excited to read and discuss these poems within our group. I hope that this author continues to write more, because I am now a fan. ~ Malika Michelle Harris – Amazon Review

“Right away, you can imagine why I love to go to this “Special Place”. Again, imagine the sheer joy of journeying to your soul, where God will always be there to inspire you. 1 Corinthians 3:16 states, “Do you not know that you are a temple of God and that the Spirit of God dwells in you?” This is a Soul to Soul meeting, which makes each moment special and rewarding. It’s like the flickering of a butterfly’s wings to the wonders of our Milky Way Galaxy.

Every time I read the Poetry of other Poets from the past to present, it’s a Soul to Soul experience. Poets take me to special places in my mind and soul, with no boundaries. It’s limitless. Yes, it’s a freedom to search the universe for true meanings to life’s array of humanistic experiences. Poetry embraces all the myriad of human emotions from extreme sadness to heavenly bliss. Art does imitate and reflect life in the most beautiful ways. Yes, I’m eclectic in my poetry style of writing. To enhance my love of poetry.”

Author Will Shelton is a husband, father, grandfather, brother, relative and friend. He also is a powerful believer in God and His Magnificent Creations. Will Shelton is a cancer survivor of over ten years who feels God has work for him. Will Shelton feels that part of that work is this book.

In his retirement, Will Shelton found time to develop his love for writing. Shelton states: “I always had a love for learning, which started with God planting the learning seed in me.”

Will Shelton is the author of Investing in Your Health… You’ll Love the Returns.

Visit Will at http://www.Will-Shelton.com.

Genre – Poetry, Spiritual, Uplifting, Eclectic

Inspiring Poems From My Soul – A Collection of Poems, Volume1 ISBN 9781506904825, published by First Edition Design Publishing (http://www.firsteditiondesignpublishing.com), is available on-line wherever ebooks are sold. The 88 page print book version, ISBN 9781506904818, is published by First Edition Design Publishing and distributed worldwide to online booksellers.

Media Contact:
Will Shelton

First Edition Design Publishing Releases New Book by CC Crawford

The Ultimate African Solution, Race…First Brick, by CC Crawford, will solve all of Black people’s problems and provide the whole African race with one hundred percent employment for this, and future generations.

Warren, MI, USA — CC Crawford’s The Ultimate African Solution, Race…First Brick implores: Africans!!! It is imperative that we revel in each other’s successes and instead of willfully keeping ourselves down, we offer helping hands to pick each other up.

Africa is due reparation for the atrocities our ancestors had to bear, in order for the two races here in question, to be able to truly coexist as nature intended. Fighting on their behalf, to make right them being wronged throughout five hundred years of recent history and still counting, will allow our deserving ancestors to finally rest in peace. THE ULTIMATE AFRICAN SOLUTION will be achieved without any human beings losing their lives. No one has to die.

The negative effects that slavery and colonialism have on the African’s psyche, must be affectedly nullified first and foremost, in order to step up in race. There are numerous steps to take to overcome the mental struggles caused from the enslavement of the mind syndrome and ridding the African race of “self-hate” tops the list.

We are underrepresented in regards to important decisions been made above our heads and disrespect of the Black race is “IN YOUR FACE” blatant. A Black person born today will endure the same fate as Black people did a hundred years ago and the system is designed to maintain Africans in the same dependent position for many generations to come. Black people in the western hemisphere have been geared to only strive for an elusive equality, when reunification with Mother Africa should be our ultimate goal to achieve racial parity.

THE ULTIMATE AFRICAN SOLUTION is my life’s work, inspired by the teachings of Marcus Mosiah Garvey, hero of many and one of the greatest Africans to ever walk the face of the earth. He taught the diaspora how to trample down Babylon and overcome obstacles through self-sufficiency, despite dwelling in the pits of oppression. Thanks to my Mother Ella Steele for nurturing me, the Island of Jamaica for my education, “Non Potest”, the United States for teaching me life’s lessons and to all the ancestors, whose spirits have guided and protected me through this inevitable process. I fear no evil and I will continue to be comforted by the greater presence of God Almighty.

Genre – Africa, Race, Black, Reparation, Baton, Continuity, Overcome, Slavery, Colonialism, Nigger, Solution, Emancipation, Jesus, Ultimate, Gun, Subservient

The Ultimate African Solution, Race…First Brick ISBN 9781506904962, published by First Edition Design Publishing (http://www.firsteditiondesignpublishing.com), is available on-line wherever ebooks are sold. The 132 page print book version, ISBN 9781506904955, is published by First Edition Design Publishing and distributed worldwide to online booksellers.

Media Contact:
CC Crawford

First Edition Design Publishing Releases New Book by Will Shelton

Investing In Your Health… You’ll Love The Returns, by Will Shelton, is an insightful and innovative look at how we can improve our personal health.

Flushing, NY, USA — Will Shelton’s Investing In Your Health… You’ll Love The Returns examines current diets to help you make decisions about your eating style, as well as taking a look at sleep patterns in association with our overall health.

Health and physical education warrant a bigger role in our children’s overall health and well-being. One of the chapters is entitled: Games People Play, which focuses on games (like football, baseball, basketball, and soccer) you played growing up. Will Shelton is deeply concerned that some neighborhoods, including parks are too violent for youth to play in. He presents some innovative ideas that can help curtail violence in neighborhoods.

“We need to bring back pride as a core value in some neighborhoods, so youth have a vested interest in their respective neighborhoods. This can be done by creating jobs, safe parks, and recreation/academic centers. Some of our schools can have impactful improvements with better training of teachers, principals (including improved school curriculum), and better trained supportive school staff. There should be an emphasis on After-School Programs, like homework assistance programs, mentorship programs, violence prevention programs and sports programs. Sports can be a valuable link to children doing well academically. In addition, better training of police to dramatically stop how guns, other weapons, and drugs enter neighborhoods.” ~ Will Shelton

Will Shelton is a husband, father, grandfather, brother, relative and friend. He also is a powerful believer in God and His Magnificent Creations. Will Shelton is a cancer survivor of over ten years who feels God has work for him. Will Shelton feels part of that work is this book.

In his twenty five year career for the NY City Department of Education, he was a Health Teacher and Director of SPINS Program (Alcohol and Substance Abuse Program). Today he is retired.

In his retirement, Will Shelton found time to develop his love for writing. Shelton states: “I always had a love for learning, which started with God planting the learning seed in me. My parents, family, friends, and teachers watered that learning seed.” Shelton has earned a Bachelor’s of Science in Community Health Education from York College, Jamaica NY, a Master’s Degree in Health Education from Hunter College, NY, a Master’s Degree in School Counseling, LIU-CW Post, Long Island, NY, and an Advanced Certificate in Administration and Supervision (Ed.S.) from City College, NY.

Will Shelton is the author of Inspiring Poems From My Soul, A Collection of Poems.

Visit Will at http://www.Will-Shelton.com.

Genre – Health, Healthcare, Nutrition, Diet, Physical Education, Exercise, Fitness

Investing In Your Health… You’ll Love The Returns ISBN 9781506904801, published by First Edition Design Publishing (http://www.firsteditiondesignpublishing.com), is available on-line wherever ebooks are sold. The 134 page print book version, ISBN 9781506904795, is published by First Edition Design Publishing and distributed worldwide to online booksellers.

Media Contact:
Will Shelton

First Edition Design Publishing Releases New Book, “Glory Days” by Art Bonus

Glory Days, by Art Bonus, is an action/adventure fiction classic about battle-hardened Navy Seal, Master Chief Jay Johnson and lurking dangers in the Sea of Cortez.

Warren, MI, USA — Art Bonus’s Glory Days is about one highly decorated Navy Seal Master Chief who ‘thinks’ he is in for a relaxing time off sailing the Sea of Cortez. His old ex-commander is dying and bequeaths his classic yacht, ‘Glory Days’ to Jay and soon thereafter the high-seas adventures begin.

“I need an RPG on the bow right now,” ordered Commander Rob as he maneuvered the Glory Days to his starboard side. Mark was locked and loaded with another round as Commander Rob made the evasive maneuver. Jay slid over to the port side to help Mark bring down some lightning and thunder, death and destruction on the waiting blockade, now firing heavily into the Glory Days…

Johnson soon realizes that his yachting adventures on the high-seas provide him and his crew with more excitement than his military career. Death and destruction seem to follow in the wake of his yacht, ‘Glory Days’. Come along as part of the crew as they are plunged into a sea of chaos and carnage, battling smugglers and terrorists. Yet with just enough time to enjoy the serene waters of the Sea of Cortez for some diving and mini-subbing.

Author Art Bonus, a fine-art painter, photographer and poet has turned his creative talents to the literary world with his newest novel, ‘Glory Days’. Artist or Author he has painted a masterpiece with words for your reading enjoyment and hopes to inspire others to tell their stories with whatever creative process that works best for them.

Genre – Action, Adventure, Navy Seal, Military, Special Operations, Terrorists, Yachting, Drug-Smugglers, CIA, Homeland Security

Glory Days ISBN 9781506905884, published by First Edition Design Publishing (http://www.firsteditiondesignpublishing.com), is available on-line wherever ebooks are sold. The 178 page print book version, ISBN 9781506905860, is published by First Edition Design Publishing and distributed worldwide to online booksellers.

Media Contact:
Art Bonus

First Edition Design Publishing Releases New Book, “Valley of Stars” by Niels Andersen

Valley of Stars, by Niels Andersen, thrusts the reader into the brutal and unforgiving battle against the jihadist Islamic Caliphate.

Lakeville, MN, USA — In Niels Andersen’s Valley of Stars, watch Staff Sergeant Shirin Kirkorian, nicknamed “The Lioness,” an intelligence asset and first female to complete Ranger training and Lieutenant Colonel Abdul Qadir, a Shia, unique among Afghan officers race to find a place in the Afghan mountains called the Valley of Stars. A treasure trove of precious metals, the Valley could fund Islamic extremism for generations and ignites a ferocious struggle to secure it. The fighting could engulf the world in a gripping story of faith, conflict, intrigue, and heroism.

The tentacles of the Caliphate’s violent ideology expand across the globe and blur the lines between ally and enemy. The twisting confluence of Islamic extremism, politics, and war force the players to battle both external and internal enemies. As the scope and ferocity of the fighting expands across Afghanistan, it threatens to engulf the whole world in a gripping story of faith, conflict, intrigue, and heroism.

Author Niels Andersen is a retired Air Force Lieutenant Colonel whose career took him to operating theaters around the world. From desert sands to the storied halls of the Pentagon, he taps a deep well of experience working on long range national and military strategy. As an amateur military history and strategy buff he draws on past and current events to shape his stories and blur the lines between fact and fiction. He hopes this is the first of several books in a series that highlights the extraordinary work of ordinary people in the relentless pursuit of our national defense.

Niels lives in Minnesota with his wife and family cat. In addition to writing, he works with recovering and at-risk adults to help them rejoin the competitive workforce. Between work, writing, and helping his wife with her quilting projects, he keeps very busy.

Genre – Thriller, Terrorism, CIA, Conflict, Afghanistan, Politics, Military, Intrigue, Action, War

Valley of Stars ISBN 9781506905365, published by First Edition Design Publishing, is available on-line wherever ebooks are sold. The 276 page print book version, ISBN 9781506905358 is published by First Edition Design Publishing (http://www.firsteditiondesignpublishing.com) and distributed worldwide to online booksellers.

Media Contact:
Niels Andersen

New Book Release – Reflect, Renew, Refresh, The 3 R’s for an Inspired Life, by Karen Marie Lewman

Reflect, Renew, Refresh, The 3 R’s for an Inspired Life, by Karen Marie Lewman, can assist you in creating positivity in your life.

Monarch Beach, CA, USA — Karen Marie Lewman’s Reflect, Renew, Refresh, The 3 R’s for an Inspired Life is an inspirational and motivational journal with weekly photos, quotes and affirmations. It is so important to maintain balance, peace, joy and love as we go about our days. The 3 R’s will assist you in being enlivened and inspired.

“Reflect, Renew, Refresh, The 3 R’s for an Inspired Life,” was created to inspire and uplift. By using “Reflect, Renew, Refresh” as your guide, especially when you are feeling overwhelmed, challenged in your professional or personal life, have a tendency towards negative thinking, or just need to reset your balance, you are committing to positively nourish your mind, body and spirit.

“Very inspiring and enlivening. The images and ideas are Life changing.” ~P.M.

“The photographs are setting the stage to take you away to a beautiful and peaceful place. The quotes are meant to inspire you as you read them. Her inspirational message leads you to ask yourselves some questions, you are reflecting.” ~P.M.

“I have always believed in the power of positive motivation, inspiration and nourishment of one’s self. It is only then, that we can assist others. I am grateful for this opportunity to assist you in your quest for happiness, peace, love, harmony and healing.”

“Reflect, Renew, Refresh” is Karen’s 2nd book along with “Take a Moment: Inspirational Darts to the Heart” which was published in 2016. Her intention is to bring light, love and healing to others through her words, photos and affirmations.

Genre – Inspirational, Motivational, Self-Help, Affirmative, Positivity, Healing, Wisdom, Encouragement, Joyful, Quotations, Recovery, Uplifting, Well-Being, Empowering, Life Affirming, Nurturing, Prospering, Enriching

Reflect, Renew, Refresh, The 3 R’s for an Inspired Life ISBN 9781506905389, published by First Edition Design Publishing, is available on-line wherever ebooks are sold. The 276 page print book version, ISBN 9781506905372 is published by First Edition Design Publishing (http://www.firsteditiondesignpublishing.com) and distributed worldwide to online booksellers.

Media Contact:
Karen Marie Lewman

First Edition Design Publishing Releases New Book, “Connections” by Jennifer Dixon

Connections, by Jennifer Dixon, is a deeply personal memoir about how music can help us get past grief and loss of those closest to us.

ACT, Australia — Jennifer Dixon’s Connections begins with a brief description of the author’s life detailing the connection to music that she shared with her sister Maureen.

After losing her sister, during a 500-mile trek: Santiago de Compostela (commonly known as ‘The Camino’), as she was attempting to walk into oblivion, she experienced the astounding power of music to transcend her grief and re-connect her with her sister and her own life.

When her brother-in-law and her mother died, just four years later, the author embarked on her second Camino and was provided with yet more proof of the healing power of music and its positive affirmation of life. The story is peppered with music tracks and these are listed at the end, together with mention of some of music’s other therapeutic effects.

Though born in the UK, Jennifer Dixon has lived elsewhere for most of her adult life. Nonetheless, she is still proud of her Geordie roots. Currently living in Canberra as an Australian with a strange accent, Jennifer is married and has two grown-up children. She has worked in France, Germany and Italy. She has also lived in Spain, Nepal, Thailand, Zimbabwe and Mexico. Jennifer has a degree in Sociology and a diploma in Counselling Theories and Skills and has worked variously in several bi-lingual secretarial positions within Europe, as a Court Reporter, and as an Administrative Assistant in Social Services (UK). She earned a Black Belt in judo at nineteen; has walked the 500-mile Camino (Santiago de Compostela), in Spain, twice; plays the guitar, dabbles in painting; adores languages and etymology; is very attracted to the culinary arts; cannot live without abundant laughter and, regards music as a miraculous and indispensable gift of the universe.

Genre – Music, Life-force, Connections, Poetry, Travel, Grief, Walking, Re-evaluating, Dreams, Revelations, Thermodynamics, Re-connection, Healing

Connections ISBN 9781506905006, published by First Edition Design Publishing, is available on-line wherever ebooks are sold. The 244 page print book version, ISBN 9781506904993 is published by First Edition Design Publishing (http://www.firsteditiondesignpublishing.com) and distributed worldwide to online booksellers.

Media Contact:
Jennifer Dixon

FED Publishing Releases New Book, “The 3 R’s of an Inspired Life: Reflect, Renew, Refresh” by Karen Marie Lewman

The 3 R’s of an Inspired Life: Reflect, Renew, Refresh, by Karen Marie Lewman, can help you inject positivity into your life.

Monarch Beach, CA, USA — Karen Marie Lewman’s The 3 R’s of an Inspired Life: Reflect, Renew, Refresh is an inspirational, motivational journal and calendar with weekly photos, quotes and affirmations. It is so important to maintain balance, peace, joy and love as we go about our days. Sometimes though, it is not easy.

“Reflect, Renew and Refresh, The 3 R’s for an Inspired Life,” was created to inspire, uplift and give hope to those going through challenging times. Whether it is an illness, a financial hardship, relationship issues, depression, unhappiness in your personal or professional life or any problem that needs solving, “Reflect, Renew and Refresh” can help.

I have always believed in the power of positive motivation, inspiration and nourishment of one’s self. It is only then, that we can assist others. I am grateful for this opportunity to assist you in your quest for happiness, peace, love, harmony and healing.

I currently live in Monarch Beach, CA with my loving husband of 33 years. I am so appreciative of his support, guidance and love through the years. We give thanks to be able to Reflect, Renew and Refresh by enjoying daily runs and hikes along the beach, watching the waves, being in nature and being together.

“Reflect, Renew and Refresh” is my 2nd book along with “Take a Moment: Inspirational Darts to the Heart” which was published in 2016. My intention is to bring light, love and healing to others through my words, photos and affirmations.

Genre – Inspirational, Motivational, Self-Help, Affirmative, Positivity, Healing, Wisdom, Encouragement, Joyful, Quotations, Recovery, Uplifting, Well-Being, Empowering, Life Affirming, Nurturing, Prospering, Enriching

The 3 R’s of an Inspired Life: Reflect, Renew, Refresh ISBN 9781506905389, published by First Edition Design Publishing, is available on-line wherever ebooks are sold. The 276 page print book version, ISBN 9781506905372 is published by First Edition Design Publishing (http://www.firsteditiondesignpublishing.com) and distributed worldwide to online booksellers.

Media Contact:
Karen Marie Lewman

Bill Thomas Releases Paranormal Book Entitled “The Three Souls”

The book is available as an ebook and a paperback.

Horseshoe Bay, TX, USA — The book “The Three Souls” has been released as a paperback book to the world market. The book is about Johnny Chambers who is falsely convicted of a crime in Dallas, Texas in 1960. He is sentenced to five years in the Huntsville, Texas prison.

While in prison he meets two other inmates who he feels are reincarnated images of Vincent Van Gogh and Amadeus Mozart. Both have had near death experiences and both showed new abilities as artists.

Johnny is beat into a coma by the local gang, The Buddies. He wakes up to find out he is showing new talents as a writer. He decides he is reincarnated as Ernest Hemingway and decides it is time to escape the prison. Thus, the three souls are born. The book is fast paced exciting as the three race against time to get away from the warden of the prison.

The book is available as an ebook and a paperback. You can buy a copy at Amazon.com, Barnes and Noble.com, Apple Itunes, and Target.

Media Contact:
Bill Thomas
J. William Productions LLC

FED Publishing Releases New Book, “Artak and The Forgotten Mark” by Christian Walker

Artak and The Forgotten Mark, by Christian Walker, takes you on the epic journey of a boy who travels the world to become the man and warrior he was destined to be.

Madison, WI, USA — Christian Walker’s Artak and The Forgotten Mark is the story of Artak, who having travelled the world mastering his fighting skills, returns home a fearless warrior.

When Artak was merely 14, he watched his parents killed along with his entire village. In fear, the boy barely escaped the fiery scene by his father’s command. This shock engraved in his heart a vow to avenge them one day.

Collapsing at the gates of Wimbra a few days later, he is taken in by Martuk, the village leader. Accepting him as his own child, he teaches the young boy everything he knows of the art of sword combat, but given his natural abilities and determination, in a short time he surpasses the skills of his teacher.

Little does he know fate will soon give him the chance he’s long waited for; to meet face to face with the beast that left him an orphan.

“A good read for all fans of fantasy, adventure, swords and dragons.” ~5 Star Review

Genre – Dragons, Romance, Friendship, Love, Brotherhood, Heroism, Fantasy, Adventure

Artak and The Forgotten Mark ISBN 9781506905006, published by First Edition Design Publishing, is available on-line wherever ebooks are sold. The 244 page print book version, ISBN 9781506904993 is published by First Edition Design Publishing and distributed worldwide to online booksellers.

Media Contact:
Christian Walker

FED Publishing Releases New Book, “My Journey, A Victory Over Cancer Through Alternative Methods” by Valarie Hendriks

My Journey, A Victory Over Cancer Through Alternative Methods, by Valarie Hendriks, is a story about one courageous woman’s journey and victory over cancer through alternative methods.

Oakland Township, MI, USA — Valarie Hendriks’ My Journey, A Victory Over Cancer Through Alternative Methods is a book that will make you laugh, make you cry, inspire you and motivate you. However, most of all it will help you in battling one of the most dreaded diseases plaguing mankind, cancer.

Valarie Hendriks grew up in the Midwest part of the United States. After college she got a job in the Optical field and is currently working as a Manager and ABO Certified Optician. Along the way she got married to her spouse of twenty five years. Her hobbies are tennis, horseback riding and Ball Room Dancing. She competed in Ball Room Dancing and won several competitions over her career. Then one day she was diagnosed with cancer. At this point in her life she thought her entire world was falling apart. However, she was determined to defeat this dreaded disease.

Her book My Journey, A Victory Over Cancer Through Alternative Methods is a book that Valarie wrote that outlines how she beat cancer. In her book she provides all of the information that she learned through two years of research so that she could help other people in their battle against cancer without going through the trauma of traditional cancer treatments. Her book is uplifting, inspiring, and motivational. It will make you laugh and it will make you cry but most of all it could help you to defeat one of the most dreaded diseases in the world, the disease that we call cancer.

Genre – Cancer, Cure, Alternative Methods, Alternative Medicine, Cancer Cure, Inspiration, Treatment, Motivational

The ebook version of My Journey, A Victory Over Cancer Through Alternative Methods ISBN 9781506903477, published by First Edition Design Publishing (http://www.firsteditiondesignpublishing.com), is available on-line wherever ebooks are sold. The 194 page print book version, ISBN 9781506903460, and ISBN 9781506903453 hardback, are published by First Edition Design Publishing and distributed worldwide to online booksellers.

Media Contact:
Valarie Hendriks

Paradigm Shift Reflects Essential Turning Point in the Conscious Evolution of Mankind on Planet Earth

Prolific Author-Philosopher Notes that the Way Forward Embraces the Abundant Synergy of Man and Woman Balance.

Las Vegas, NV, USA — In his new treatise, author and philosopher Christopher Alan Anderson offers an educational writing that points to a different direction for our collective lives. In these turbulent times, with mankind and Planet Earth at a turning point, he asks, “What is the actual foundation we can base life upon?”

The Man and Woman Manifesto: What We Believe! answers this question, presenting a paradigm shift into Man and Woman Balance, a system of understanding the universe in terms of the fundamental polarities of maleness and femaleness and the balance thereof.

In religious terms, Anderson clarifies, we might say, “If there is a ‘God the Father’ there must also be a ‘God the Mother,’ not a ‘God the Mother’ as a secondary existence to ‘God the Father’ but as an equal and opposite primary existence to ‘God the Father.'” In philosophical terms, “Only [sexual] opposites can unite to then again divide…creating the spiritual lineage of [procreant] love.” This essential balanced interdependence offers a rich and life-enhancing reality all human beings can live by.

In an era in which it is clear our past and current religious and political structures have failed us, Anderson notes that many are confused about which way to turn. He comments, “We are being offered a sexual progressivism through L, G, B, T, Q as well as an existential threat in Islamic radicalism. In the meantime, our own constitutional system of governance and Christian roots seem to comprise a history, so what is the way forward? How are we to move ahead without a foundation based on life itself?”

The Man and Woman Manifesto: What We Believe! asserts that life is the only state of existence between male and female and that love is its one expression. The author further suggests that their every moment/touch is a spiritual resurrection/rebirth. In other words, procreation is not just physical in nature but spiritual as well. With this understanding, concludes Anderson, we may truly “love ye one another.”

He explains, “Love is a good place from which to begin the life endeavor, as Man and Woman Balance can only be an expression of love.” In short, “Man and woman can only love each other, now and forever,” so might not this living reality, both on an individual basis and within the world at large, be the actual foundation from which we can live together?

Anderson cautions, “This is not an easy book, but if you can capture and live its essence, your life will forevermore have purpose.”

Book Title: The Man and Woman Manifesto: What We Believe!
Author: Christopher Alan Anderson
Publisher: First Edition Design Publishing (http://www.firsteditiondesignpublishing.com)
Category: Philosophy, Spirituality, Self-Help, Sexuality
Soft Cover: 978-1506903149 | $18.95
Hard Cover (color edition): 978-1506904184 | $28.95
eBook: 978-1506903156 | $9.99
Availability: http://www.manandwomanbalance.com (and nearly all e-reader and device retailers, including: Amazon/Kindle, iTunes, Barnes & Noble/Nook)

About the Author: Christopher Alan Anderson received the basis of his education from the University of Science and Philosophy, Swannanoa, Waynesboro, Virginia. He resides in the transcendental/romantic tradition, that vein of spiritual creativity of the philosopher and poet. His quest has been to define and express an eternal romantic reality from which a man and a woman can together stand in their differences and create a living universe of procreative love. Mr. Anderson began these writings in 1971. The first writings were published in 1985. When asked to describe their overall message, he responded, “Spiritual procreation. Mankind has yet to distinguish the two sexes on the spiritual level. In this failure lies the root of our problems and why we cannot yet touch the eternal together. The message of man and woman balance brings each of us together in love with our eternal other half right now.”

Media Contact:
Christopher Alan Anderson

FED Publishing Releases New Book, “Early Morning Wanderings” by Steve Lake

Early Morning Wanderings, by Steve Lake, pokes a bit of fun at himself and all of us in this book of short quips and poems.

Carlsbad, CA, USA — Steve Lake’s Early Morning Wanderings is a fun read. A must read for those days when all you want is a bit of happy.

“Fun and whimsical read. Often thought provoking, mixed in with laugh out loud moments. Ogden Nash would be proud….” ~71duck

Lake states “When I wake up in the morning there are random thoughts running through my mind. I turn some of these into poetry. I have lots of free time.”

Good things come to those who wait
At least that’s what I’ve been told
Wonder what will be my fate?
So far all I am is old

Steve Lake grew up in Long Beach, California. He has a bachelor’s degree in zoology from the University of Washington (1980). Steve worked for 25 years as an outdoor science teacher in Southern California. He now resides in Carlsbad, Ca. and spends as much time as possible at the beach.

Genre РThoughtful, Humorous, Inspiring, Current, Mischievous, Tawdry, Environmental, Risqu̩, Political, Happy

The Early Morning Wanderings 68 page print book version ISBN 9781506904870, and hardcover ISBN 9781506904283, are published by First Edition Design Publishing (http://www.firsteditiondesignpublishing.com) and distributed worldwide to online booksellers.

Media Contact:
Steve Lake

FED Publishing Releases New Book, “Love in the Hornet’s Nest” by Ben Korgen

Love in the Hornet’s Nest, by Ben Korgen, continues the hilarious romantics of Rudy and the world of Umptiscratch University and Sorghum High, in this highly anticipated second book.

Hope Valley, RI, USA — Ben Korgen’s Love in the Hornet’s Nest is part 2 of the ‘Sorghum’ series which left off with Rudy dodging his amorous landlady with some crazy matchmaking skills. When Rudy tries those same matchmaking skills to find the love of his life the results only get crazier.

In part two of the Sorghum series, Rudy graduates Umptiscratch University in the spring of 1952, and he becomes the head football coach at Sorghum High School in Minnesota. The football team has lost every game for the past several years. Rudy is determined to turn around both the team and his love life. Where better to start the latter than with the beautiful cheerleading coach Parker Benson.

Read all about Rudy’s trial and tribulations in the world of romance. Of beauty lost and love finally found. Or is it?

Author Ben Korgen has had a highly varied career. He served in the US Navy, earned a bachelor’s degree at the University of Minnesota Duluth, earned a master’s degree at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, then coached high school football, earned a PhD in Oceanography at Oregon State University and had a long and rewarding career in Oceanography at the US Naval Oceanographic Office, the University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill and Tulane University in New Orleans.

Genre – Love, Romance, Laughter, Football, Relationships, Proposal, Heartbreak, Elation, Disappointment, Opportunities

The ebook version of Love in the Hornet’s Nest ISBN 9781506901466, published by First Edition Design Publishing (http://www.firsteditiondesignpublishing.com), is available on-line wherever ebooks are sold.

Media Contact:
Ben Korgen

FED Publishing Releases New Book, “Love and the Wheels of Redemption” by Ben Korgen

Love and the Wheels of Redemption, by Ben Korgen, is the third part of the Sorghum Series and a continuation of the quirky love life of Rudy Tripp.

Providence, RI, USA — Ben Korgen’s Love and the Wheels of Redemption is more of Rudy Tripp’s ill-fated love life and coaching career at everybody’s favorite made up college, Umptiscratch U.

A conspiracy is afoot, and the unsuspecting Rudy is heading straight for it. With his much anticipated wedding to beautiful captain of the cheerleader squad Kara Dowd nearing its fruitful completion Rudy may finally be catching a break in love’s unpredictable game.

But something seems amiss when Kara pretends to fall asleep during the much anticipated nuptials. Will Rudy finally get his just deserts? Why was Don spending entirely too much time with Kara at that party? Will Don’s longtime girlfriend Connie come to the rescue of them all???

The answer to these questions may just blow your socks off!

Author Ben Korgen has had a highly varied career. He served in the US Navy, earned a bachelor’s degree at the University of Minnesota Duluth, earned a master’s degree at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, then coached high school football, earned a PhD in Oceanography at Oregon State University and had a long and rewarding career in Oceanography at the US Naval Oceanographic Office, the University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill and Tulane University in New Orleans.

Genre – wedding, seduction, scandal, bonding, hatred, love, retreat, redemption

The ebook version of Love and the Wheels of Redemption ISBN 9781506902777, published by First Edition Design Publishing (http://www.firsteditiondesignpublishing.com), is available on-line wherever ebooks are sold.

Media Contact:
Ben Korgen

FED Publishing Releases New Book, “Love in the Lydia Devereaux College” by Ben Korgen

Love in the Lydia Devereaux College, by Ben Korgen, ends this crazy rom-com series with the most outlandish Rudy shenanigans yet of the Sorghum Series.

Providence, RI, USA — Ben Korgen’s Love in the Lydia Devereaux College finishes the Sorghum Series with Rudy being romantically pursued by an ex-professional wrestler, and does she mean business!

This fifth and final book in the Sorghum Series elaborates on a theme that survives all of the books of the series. Love is strange!

English teacher Cynthia has a crush on football coach Rudy who finds her repulsive. Cynthia undergoes a makeover by a personal trainer who builds her into a professional wrestler. She is able to consistently defeat male professional wrestlers. After building great wealth and fame as a wrestler, Cynthia feels empowered enough to rekindle her romantic interests in Rudy and create a plan in which she will win him over. But first she must make him deeply indebted to her professionally then deeply in love with her in return for making all of his childhood dreams come true.

Rudy’s wife Connie is furious and conspires with Rudy to defeat Cynthia, expose her ruthless character to public view and provide her with a new romantic interest, all the while Rudy once again becomes Love’s Lone Ranger, the title he earned in the first book of the Sorghum Series.

Ben Korgen has had a highly varied career. He served in the US Navy, earned a bachelor’s degree at the University of Minnesota Duluth, earned a master’s degree at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, then coached high school football, earned a PhD in Oceanography at Oregon State University and had a long and rewarding career in Oceanography at the US Naval Oceanographic Office, the University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill and Tulane University in New Orleans.

Genre – Creative, Coach, Repulsive, Teacher, Crushes, Rejection, Makeover, Wifestealer, Strategy, Battle

The ebook version of Love in the Lydia Devereaux College ISBN 9781506904382, published by First Edition Design Publishing (http://www.firsteditiondesignpublishing.com), is available on-line wherever ebooks are sold.

Media Contact:
Ben Korgen